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Resultados de su búsqueda "Psychology / Mental Health: Misc.".

Videos de salud - 6

Pollution from Wildfire Smoke May Be Impacting Kids’ Mental Health

Children exposed to unsafe levels of fine particulate matter through wildfires and other extreme forms of air pollution face an increased risk of depression, anxiety and other internalizing symptoms, a new study finds.

High Doses of Stimulants Like Adderall Linked to Increased Risk of Psychosis

A new study finds teens and adults who take high doses of amphetamines commonly prescribed for ADHD have 5Xs the risk of new-onset psychosis.

Cellphone Use and Heart Disease – The Link Looks Real, According to a New Study

A new study finds people who use their cellphone on a regular basis are more likely to be diagnosed with coronary heart disease, atrial fibrillation, heart failure and stroke. Poor sleep and mental distress linked to cellphone use may play a role.

Taking Ozempic or Wegovy Does Not Increase Risk for Mental Health Issues, Study Finds

Researchers find no link between semaglutide, the main ingredient in Ozempic and Wegovy, and depression, suicidal thoughts or behaviors in patients with no prior history of the conditions.

Making Up for Lost Sleep on the Weekend May Lower Your Risk of Heart Disease

A new study finds sleep-deprived adults who get the most catch-up sleep on the weekend are 20% less likely to develop heart disease.

Scrolling Through Online Videos Only Makes Boredom Worse

People who quickly swipe through online videos end up more bored and less satisfied than those who concentrate on the content, new study finds.

Resultados de noticias de salud - 912

27 Sep
Upping Dose of Anti-Opioid Drug Might Work Better to Curb Addiction

Upping Dose of Anti-Opioid Drug Might Work Better to Curb Addiction

Patients with opioid use disorder who receive higher doses of a drug to treat their addiction are more likely to have positive results, a new study finds. 

Daily doses of the drug buprenorphine is a standard treatment for opioid use disorder, and the findings sugges...

26 Sep
U.S. Suicide Death Rate Is Rising Again

U.S. Suicide Death Rate Is Rising Again

U.S. suicide rates are ticking back upward again after a dip during the pandemic, new statistics show.

Suicide deaths per 100,000 people had fallen from 14.2 recorded in the pre-pandemic year of 2018 to 13.5 in 2020.

However, by 2022, the latest year for which sta...

26 Sep
Airports Take Big Toll on Sleep of Those Living Nearby

Airports Take Big Toll on Sleep of Those Living Nearby

As people living near airports probably already know, all that overhead traffic can take a huge hit to their sleep, a new study confirms.

Night-time aircraft noise incr...

25 Sep
988 Mental Health Crisis Calls Now Link to Caller Location, Not Area Code

988 Mental Health Crisis Calls Now Link to Caller Location, Not Area Code

In a move that could mean more Americans in crisis get help and get it quickly, federal officials announced Tuesday that major cellphone carriers now have the technology to direct 988 callers to local mental health services based on their location instead of their area code.

25 Sep
Most People With Schizophrenia Aren't Getting Treated

Most People With Schizophrenia Aren't Getting Treated

Only 1 in every 4 U.S. adults struggling with schizophrenia receive "minimally adequate treatment," new data shows.

Many of these patients also struggle with other mental health issues, such as substance abuse or depression, and they are further challenged by social and ...

24 Sep
Psilocybin May Curb Mental Illness That Leads to Eating Disorders

Psilocybin May Curb Mental Illness That Leads to Eating Disorders

Psilocybin could help people suffering from a mental health problem that can lead to eating disorders, a new study suggests.

Psilocybin, the active che...

23 Sep
Many Former NFL Players Believe They Have CTE, Raising Suicide Risk

Many Former NFL Players Believe They Have CTE, Raising Suicide Risk

One in three former NFL players believe they have football-related brain damage that’s doing untold harm to their lives, a new study finds.

Unfortunately, their fears might be harming their mental health on top of whatever risks they face from

23 Sep
Partner's Adult ADHD Can Harm a Woman's Mental Health

Partner's Adult ADHD Can Harm a Woman's Mental Health

Having a husband or boyfriend with adult ADHD can harm a woman's mental stability, a new study suggests.

About 3 in 5 women (59%) with male partners with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) had symptoms of

21 Sep
Workplace Stress Triggers: How to Spot Them, How to Cope

Workplace Stress Triggers: How to Spot Them, How to Cope

SATURDAY, Sept. 21, 2024 (Healthday News) -- Workplace anxiety. Who hasn't experienced it?

However, if that anxiety is so strong that it hurts your performance or lingers for months, you might have a problem, one expert says.

20 Sep
Caring for Horses Could Help Veterans Battling PTSD

Caring for Horses Could Help Veterans Battling PTSD

A cavalry of sorts can come to the rescue of combat veterans suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), a new study says.

Combat veterans who regularly care for horses experience an easing of their PTSD symptoms, as well as an overall improved mental outlook, ...

18 Sep
Therapy Dogs Can Ease Nurses', Doctors' Stress, Too

Therapy Dogs Can Ease Nurses', Doctors' Stress, Too

Therapy dogs can help boost the spirits of health care workers in the same way they brighten the moods of hospital patients, a new study shows.

 The furry, four-legged friends reduced emotional exhaustion and

18 Sep
Feeling Content Helps Shield You From Heart Attack, Stroke

Feeling Content Helps Shield You From Heart Attack, Stroke

Folks who are content with what they’ve got could be less likely to suffer a heart attack or stroke, a new study suggests.

“Our findings suppor...

17 Sep
Wildfire Smoke Might Harm Children's Mental Health

Wildfire Smoke Might Harm Children's Mental Health

As wildfires continue to burn across parts of California, a new study finds that smoke from these blazes and other air pollution could be harming kids’ mental health.

Repeated exposure to high levels of particle pollution increases kids’ risk of depression, <...

16 Sep
Pregnancy Changes the Brain, Study Finds

Pregnancy Changes the Brain, Study Finds

With implications for research around postpartum depression and other health issues, scientists have tracked the changes pregnancy brings to the female brain.

These changes weren't subtle: Big shifts in what's known as the brain's "white matter" versus "gray matter" were...

13 Sep
Over 5 Million Americans Could Benefit If Psilocybin Approved for Depression: Study

Over 5 Million Americans Could Benefit If Psilocybin Approved for Depression: Study

Over 5 million Americans could benefit if the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approves the "magic mushroom" psychedelic psilocybin as a treatment for depression, researchers estimate.

“While our analysis is a crucial first step, we've only scratched the surface i...

11 Sep
It's High Number of Guns, Not Mental Health Crises, That Drives U.S. Gun Deaths: Study

It's High Number of Guns, Not Mental Health Crises, That Drives U.S. Gun Deaths: Study

Widespread and easy access to guns is the reason behind the shockingly high rate of firearm deaths in the United States, and not any rise in mental health problems suffered by perpetrators, a new study shows.

The United States has the same burden of mental health disorde...

10 Sep
U.S. Suicide Rates Rise in Less Affluent Areas

U.S. Suicide Rates Rise in Less Affluent Areas

An analysis of where suicides are occurring in the United States shows that, tragically, location matters.

People living in poorer areas with fewer resources are significantly more likely to fall victim to suicide versus those living in more affluent areas, new data from...

10 Sep
Libido Can Drop After Menopause, But This Therapy Can Help

Libido Can Drop After Menopause, But This Therapy Can Help

A form of psychotherapy can help women whose libidos have suffered as they go through menopause, a new study finds.

Cognitive behavioral therapy significantly improved sexual desire and satisfaction in a small group of middle-aged and older women, researchers said.

09 Sep
Biden Administration Issues Rules Making Mental Health Care More Accessible

Biden Administration Issues Rules Making Mental Health Care More Accessible

Beginning Jan. 1, Americans with private health insurance coverage should gain better access to mental health care, as well as care to help ease substance abuse, federal officials announced Monday.

“Like medical care, mental health care is vital to the well-being o...

06 Sep
Brain's Wiring May Trigger Depression in Some People

Brain's Wiring May Trigger Depression in Some People

A distinct brain pattern appears to make some people more likely to develop depression, a new study indicates.

“Deep” functional MRI brain scans revealed that a brai...

05 Sep
Amid Shortages, U.S. Allows Expanded Production of ADHD Drug Vyvanse

Amid Shortages, U.S. Allows Expanded Production of ADHD Drug Vyvanse

The maker of the ADHD drug Vyvanse has been given approval by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration to make more of the medication as a shortage of the critical drugs continues.

Following a

05 Sep
Marijuana Use Raises Workers' Absenteeism Rate: Study

Marijuana Use Raises Workers' Absenteeism Rate: Study

The stereotype of the slacker stoner might not be too far off the mark, a new study shows.

People who use weed are prone to workplace absenteeism -- and the more problematic the c...

04 Sep
Folks Who Cope, Adapt Do Well in Old Age: Study

Folks Who Cope, Adapt Do Well in Old Age: Study

People who can cope with challenges as they grow older are more likely to live longer, a new study shows.

Seniors with higher levels of mental resilience are 53% less likely to die within the next 10 years than those with the lowest levels, researchers found.

Even ...

03 Sep
Ozempic, Wegovy Won't Raise User's Suicide Risk, Study Finds

Ozempic, Wegovy Won't Raise User's Suicide Risk, Study Finds

The booming popularity of the weight-loss drug semaglutide has prompted increasing concerns about potential side effects from taking Ozempic or

30 Aug
School-Based Mindfulness Programs May Boost Kids' Mental Health

School-Based Mindfulness Programs May Boost Kids' Mental Health

FRIDAY, August 30, 2024 (HealthDay News) — Teaching schoolkids to practice mindfulness can boost their mental health — and, maybe, even their grades.

That's the takeaway from a new review of more than three dozen research studies on school-based mindfulness i...

28 Aug
U.S. Surgeon General Calls Parental Stress an Urgent Public Health Issue

U.S. Surgeon General Calls Parental Stress an Urgent Public Health Issue

Almost half of American parents surveyed say they face "overwhelming" levels of stress on a daily basis, and in an advisory issued on Wednesday U.S. Surgeon General

23 Aug
Are 'Bed Rotting' and Other TikTok Sleep Trends Good for You?

Are 'Bed Rotting' and Other TikTok Sleep Trends Good for You?

Many young adults are experimenting with “bed rotting” and other sleep trends that have gone viral on TikTok and other social media platforms, a new poll s...

23 Aug
Laws That Remove Guns From 'At Risk' People Save Lives

Laws That Remove Guns From 'At Risk' People Save Lives

“Red flag” laws are an effective means of preventing suicide, a new study finds.

About one life was saved for every 17 time...

22 Aug
State Laws Strongly Affect Mental Health of Trans People, Study Finds

State Laws Strongly Affect Mental Health of Trans People, Study Finds

THURSDAY, Aug. 22, 2024 (HeathDay News) -- There's a strong association between a state's policies and laws around the rights of transgender people and the mental health of transgender residents, a new study shows.

"Trans individuals who were worried about having their r...

22 Aug
Vaccination Could Shield Against Mental Issues Following Severe COVID

Vaccination Could Shield Against Mental Issues Following Severe COVID

People stricken with a severe case of COVID-19 have a higher risk of mental illness in the year following their infection, a new study warns.

However, vaccination appears to ward off these effects on mental health, researchers reported Aug. 21 in the journal

21 Aug
Therapeutic App Might Ease Anxiety in Young Adults

Therapeutic App Might Ease Anxiety in Young Adults

It's not a replacement for actual psychotherapy, but a newly designed app could help young adults with mental health issues lower their anxiety, researchers report.


19 Aug
Scrolling Through Online Videos Only Increases Boredom: Study

Scrolling Through Online Videos Only Increases Boredom: Study


Zipping through online videos isn’t going to help you, a new study shows.

Watching short snippets of videos or fast-forwarding through them makes people more bored rather than less, according to the results of seven experiments involving more than 1,20...

16 Aug
Creative Hobbies Can Really Benefit Your Mental Health

Creative Hobbies Can Really Benefit Your Mental Health

Painting, woodworking, writing: Whatever you turn to creatively, it could equal or exceed work in terms of maintaining mental health, new research shows.

“Crafting and other artistic activities showed a meaningful effect in predicting people’s sense that thei...

16 Aug
Tips to Help Your Child Adjust to a New School Year

Tips to Help Your Child Adjust to a New School Year

Back-to-school can feel like a rushed jumble, as kids leave behind summer fun for the next step in their education.

But there are specific ways parents can help students show up sharper, get young athletes ready to compete, and have anxious kids settled down and ready to...

15 Aug
Workplace Mistreatment Takes Tougher Mental Toll on Black Employees

Workplace Mistreatment Takes Tougher Mental Toll on Black Employees

Black employees in a toxic workplace are more susceptible to depression and sleep loss than whites are, according to new research.

Black workers being mistreated by emp...

13 Aug
Tougher State Insurance Laws Get Kids Needed Mental Health Care

Tougher State Insurance Laws Get Kids Needed Mental Health Care

Kids more often get the psychiatric care they need if they live in states that mandate insurance coverage for child mental health care, a new study confirms.

Parents and caregivers were 20% less likely to say they'd had trouble getting mental health services for a child ...

11 Aug
How Excessive Heat Can Affect Your Mental Health

How Excessive Heat Can Affect Your Mental Health

As Americans sweat through another scorching summer, one expert warns that while extreme heat can cause physical harm it can also wreak havoc with your mental health.

Sizzling temperatures can make anyone irritable, but it can be far worse for some, especially those with...

09 Aug
TikTok Videos Glamorize Eating Disorders and Harm Women's Body Image

TikTok Videos Glamorize Eating Disorders and Harm Women's Body Image

Women exposed to TikTok videos that make eating disorders look cool and glamorous tend to have worse body image, a new study finds.

These videos include what researchers call "pro-anorexia" clips, as well as other videos focused on weight loss.

“Our study sho...

07 Aug
Your Friends' Genes May Harm or Help You

Your Friends' Genes May Harm or Help You

Remember your besties from high school? Sure, they made a lasting impression, but science suggests they influenced the trajectory of your health, too.

It's not that far-fetched: Your friends carry genes that may or may nor predispose them to mental health issues ranging...

06 Aug
Fewer U.S. Teen Girls Are Reporting 'Persistent Sadness'

Fewer U.S. Teen Girls Are Reporting 'Persistent Sadness'

There's a hint of good news for parents concerned about teen mental health: After 57% of U.S. teen girls surveyed in 2021 said they felt "persistent sadness," that number declined somewhat by 2023, to 53%, new government data shows.

In the latest biennial poll of over 20...

05 Aug
Head Injuries Common Among Police Officers, With Links to Mental Health Issues

Head Injuries Common Among Police Officers, With Links to Mental Health Issues

Three out of four police officers have experienced at least one concussion, increasing their risk of mental health issues, a new s...

05 Aug
Thinking Hard Really Can Make Your 'Brain Hurt'

Thinking Hard Really Can Make Your 'Brain Hurt'

Folks who rub their forehead and complain that a complex problem is making their brain hurt aren’t overstating things, a new review suggests.

Mental exertion appears to be associated with unpleasant feelings in many situations, researchers reported Aug. 5 in the j...

05 Aug
Depression May Lower Breast Cancer Survival

Depression May Lower Breast Cancer Survival

Depression can lower a woman’s chances of surviving breast cancer, a new study reports.

Women with breast cancer and depression are more than three times as like...

02 Aug
PTSD of Mass Shootings Can Haunt Community Members for Years

PTSD of Mass Shootings Can Haunt Community Members for Years

Mass shootings and other traumatic events hit community members hard, with those closest to the incident often experiencing post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) even years later, new research shows.

"Outcomes of mass violence incidents in communities extend beyond...

02 Aug
Mental Health Risks Rise in Months After Heart Attack

Mental Health Risks Rise in Months After Heart Attack

Hospitalization for a heart-related emergency can have profound effects on a person’s mental health, a new study finds.

People hospitalized for heart at...

01 Aug
Are Celebrity Suicides 'Contagious' Among Regular Folk?

Are Celebrity Suicides 'Contagious' Among Regular Folk?

Celebrity suicides seem to be contagious, prompting everyday folks to consider the same, a new study suggests.

The 2014 suicide death of comedian Robin Williams caused a thousand-fold increase in the risk of suicidal thoughts, reflected in a spike in calls to what was th...

31 Jul
Nearly 1 in 3 U.S. Adolescents Are Getting Mental Health Treatment

Nearly 1 in 3 U.S. Adolescents Are Getting Mental Health Treatment

In findings that suggest more young Americans struggling with mental health issues are getting the help they need, a new poll shows that nearly a third of American adolescents and teens received some sort of mental health treatment in 2023.

That translates to over 8 mill...

31 Jul
Friendships Are Not in Decline Among Americans: Study

Friendships Are Not in Decline Among Americans: Study

Loneliness has been a major concern in America, particularly in the wake of the social isolation imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic.

But friendships are not in decline in the United S...

30 Jul
Most U.S. Youth Who Die by Suicide Don't Have Diagnosed Mental Health Issue

Most U.S. Youth Who Die by Suicide Don't Have Diagnosed Mental Health Issue

Three out of five young people who die by suicide don’t have any prior mental health diagnosis, a new study finds.

People are missing the telltale signs that children, ...

30 Jul
Doctor-Patient Connection: The Eyes Have It

Doctor-Patient Connection: The Eyes Have It

Doctors might be authority figures, but a new review suggests hospital patients feel more comfortable when their physician comes across as less imposing.

Getting to a patient’s eye level while talking about their diagnosis or care makes a huge difference, research...

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